Illustration thesis process

Illustration representing the artificial importation of cats to Greece that lead to cats becoming a prominent part of the greek tourist culture and historic landmarks and landscapes.

Illustration demonstrating the migration of manatees into the Florida coast due to global warming that is resulting in colder arctic waters that make the manatees seek warmer waters and in particular into factory dump site pools. I took a humorist anthropomorphized approach for this series that is aimed to draw attention in a comical lighter astatic to the adaptations that animals make to human made infrastructures.


I have been nominated on Facebook to participate in the 5 DAY ART CHALLENGE, where an artists is challenged to upload 3 pieces a day for 5 days and they nominated a fellow artists everyday to join the inactive. I really annoyed this opportunity to re observe some of the work I have done and thought it would be nice to include the work I upload in my Artist Blog for you guys to enjoy.

Digital process work from “Ode to the Onion”

Digital process work from “Ode to the onion” that I document as I was designing the characters for my animation, here is a peak into the making of the animation Ode to the onion, and into my process work.

A short description of how I work: I start my process in pencil, I draw all my uncial sketches by hand, and  then I scan my illustration go over it digitally, I use photoshop, Illustrator and then After effects to animate my work and bring it to life. 

Here are some screen grabs of the process,

Liat Shalom